The Bracco Italiano is an Italian pointer, and it's one of the oldest pointing breeds in existence, according to the American Kennel Club.
Cane Corso are very, very big dogs they can weigh up to 120 pounds and they are not a good breed for first-time dog owners, according to Vet Street.
Bolognese is a dog in addition to a sauce. The Bolognese is a small, playful, easygoing breed that loves people, according to the AKC.
The Neapolitan Mastiff is another huge Italian breed, with males weighing up to 150 pounds, according to the AKC. The Neapolitan dates.
Italian Greyhounds are the miniature version of the Greyhound. They're gentle, loving dogs that are so affectionate they can sometimes border on needy.
The Cirneco dell'Etna is a beautiful, slender hound dog that will love and guard its family until the very end. They are a very smart breed that needs training early.
Maremmas pronounced "mare" like a female horse, and "Emma" like the name have been bred as livestock guard dogs in Italy for centuries.
Segugio Italianos are medium-size hound dogs that have powerful hunting instincts and need a lot of exercise about two hours or more as a result, according to Purina.